Thursday, 6 November 2014


An Exulted Moment in Time
Full Moon – 6th November 2014 23h22 (GMT)

I was going to skip writing a blog on November’s full moon, not because it is torrid or difficult, it just had not caught my attention. Admittedly I have been busy in my gorgeous newly expanded studio making products, preparing for season and lost in story (audio books). Then last night, Raine, a friend who avidly follows my blogs and always puts the monthly influences to good use, sent a What’s App reminding me it is full moon time and as yet there is no sign of my blog. It was in no way demanding rather sent with a teasing tone but nonetheless was still a hint, which I intended to ignore.

    But then just before ensconcing myself in story and product-making for the day, I popped down to my office to tackle a bit of admin and took a peek at today’s full moon. Not minutes past before my pencil was scribbling down thoughts and so thanks to Raine, November’s full moon will be blogged.

    The moon is full in Taurus, a place on the zodiac (imaginary band around the earth) that she absolutely loves to visit, a place where her qualities are beautifully expressed, a time when the light of the sun reflects all possibility for emotional and financial security.

    This particular Taurus full moon encourages us to build further on what we had considered complete. It inspires adding further value to what was thought to be enough. All at once we see how to make profit out of very little, we see how planting a few seeds grows a whole season of food in the veggie garden. When resources seem used up, we find new ones, better ideas, and new potential.

    There will be moments of feeling out of sorts, feeling out of place in the world, yet it is from this scratchy, slightly insecure place that something meaningful can be achieved. In fact, it cannot be achieved without feeling out of place or that sense of not fitting in or belonging. Gallant ideas bring success.

    Now let’s look at the problematic side of this full moon’s influence. It is going to highlight where we are stuck, probably due to a stubborn refusal to alter a position or change a situation, probably because it reeks of fear or possibly because we are trapped in either emotional insecurity, financial insecurity or both.

    There is another element to consider, one offered by Saturn and a star called Agena. It indicates the likelihood of learning something profound and of immense value through rather painful circumstances. Why, oh why, is it pain that prompts the most powerful form learning? Perhaps it is the force of anguish that breaks down obstinacy, unsettles inflexibility and punches stubbornness on the nose. Whatever the shape of the pain, it could very well be the force needed to shift the stuckness (probably no such word but it sounds so good).

    But pain is not the only option on offer, if the will is strong enough to let go of bull-headed stubbornness or possessive clinging to an idea or situation, it is possible to simply float up onto a cloud and from this vantage point, not only is the view spectacular, but we see what is on the other side of the mountain. We see what lies beyond the barriers that have caused endless frustration. We see where to go next and how to get there. We see the way around obstacles or through a maze of complex problems.

    It is from the elevated position that we clearly see what needs to be eliminated (a habit, person or situation) because it is precisely the habit, person or situation that stands in the way of expansion and perpetuates stuckness.

Threats to Successful Growth and Profitable Gain:

·       Stubborn refusal to budge

·       Ruthless and cruel self-serving actions

·       Falling prey to unconscious patterns – victimized

·       Disempowered by old habits

·       Reckless misuse of personal influence

This full moon lights up the dark night and the way to emotional and or financial security.

With love and appreciation for the silvery light of the moon,


Monday, 6 October 2014

Walking the Tight Rope
Full Moon – 8th October 2014 10h52 (GMT)
Total Eclipse of the Moon

Ordinarily we are not able to see the earth’s shadow because there is nothing for it to be cast upon and it falls away into deep space. However, during a lunar eclipse, the moon positions itself perfectly between the earth and the sun and it is at this time (two or three times a year) that our shadow darkens the moon.

The lunar eclipse on the 8th October 2014 turns our attention away from what we know about ourselves and our relationships. It turns our heads to face the earth’s shadow and in this shadow land we see repressed personal needs, repressed anger, and repressed self-assertion. Even if we’d prefer not to look at inappropriate personal behaviour born out of these repressions, unavoidable circumstances will provide the occasion wherein we review ourselves and our relationships. We see with alarming clarity where we stand within our partnerships.

The totally eclipsed moon drags the imbalances between self and others into view. In fact, imbalance in all areas of life is visible in the shadowland:

·       Between work and play

·       Within the family

·       Within love relationships

·       Within working associations

·       Within friendships

·       Between self and all others

·       Between giving and receiving

·       Within eating habits / dietary plans

·       Between busy time and quiet time

The influence of the lunar eclipse stirs the kind of passion and creative / sexual tension that holds relationship together. It evokes courage to speak up and ask for what we need, to boldly confront imbalances and initiate proper action, respectfully and with grace, to fulfil personal wishes and restore balance wherever it is required.

We learn afresh when to step forward and when to stand still. Correcting an imbalance within a relationship does not always require pushy demands because sometimes it is better to quietly allow the other person the chance to contribute in the way they can and not in the way we expect.

However, repressed anger could be triggered as a necessary force to break an impasse or an impossibly out-of-balance scenario.  

Alongside the eclipse is a rather gorgeous influence causing the two or three months affected by the eclipse’s influence to be awash with opportunities for huge fun, romance and also gain within business. The promotion of anything new & inventive leads us into the next stage of our future with idealism and foresight. We are to look ahead to new possibilities with courage, determination and focus, even when the adversity of the past tugs from behind and threatens to destroy the dreams of the future. It is time to dig deep and draw from the well of personal talent and to dare to pioneer ways of expressing this talent.     

Mostly the strength of the eclipse is felt in the zone of relationships and it sparks the desire for balance. We learn the art of tight-rope walking, holding the balancing pole of confronting & compromising, of giving and receiving, of demanding & responding, of accepting & rejecting, of communicating & listening as we cross the rope towards those with whom we are suspended in relationship.

With love for the dazzling and breath-taking walk across a tight-rope,

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Stories of Stars & Life

Full Moon – 10th August 2014 20h10 (GMT)

Vive La Difference 

Terribly late, I know, to be writing about the full moon of the 10th August, but it has totally wrecked my peaceful morning walks in the forest, so write about it I must. Perhaps it is the force of the super moon, perhaps it is the magic of an Aquarian moon or maybe it is its potent strength to separate and split life apart that has driven me to belatedly put pen to paper.

Because this super full moon fell within the enormously favourable new moon cycle, I assumed the gorgeously positive side of its influence would skip and dance through the shadowland and we would bathe confidently in its magical light. I may have been a little over-optimistic. This full moon certainly has caused anxiety levels to spike. I shall carefully examine each layer of influence, first presenting the qualities that cause anguish and ending with its enchanting influence.

The Revolution
Depending on a personal position, the opportunity to revolutionise a stagnant part of our lives, is welcomed or resisted. There is an urgency to reform a habit, a fear or a set of circumstances that imprison us mentally, emotionally or physically. However, one response to the urgency could be outright resistance and the stubborn clinging to an old promise, a situation that symbolises security or possibly even a person. The resistance invites ruthless and radical change that is beyond personal control.

Split Asunder
Naturally, if we have made the necessary changes during the course of the last few years (under the bombardment of Yods & Grand Squares) it is easy to tweak the adjustments encouraged by the Aquarian full moon. But if we ignore the call to change and continue to reject the opportunities to break free from limiting mind-sets or to find ways to disentangle from limiting circumstances, this super moon will have a fine time breaking us apart from that which we refuse to (or perhaps simply cannot) change. Separation is painful.
    Mental, emotional and material shifts are essential.  If it the mind that refuses to change and remains stuck in fear, then it is the mind that splits apart. If it is the heart that refuses to open to love, then it is the heart that breaks. If we cannot change our dependant relationship with material possessions / finances, then we are radically separated from these things.

One could look at this full moon as the promoter of freedom, a chance to be free of something from the past - a pattern, a family drama, trauma or the inability to be the king or queen of our personal worlds. It is a chance to be free of whatever prevents us from being uniquely us. We break out of blindness, the failure to recognise special qualities, the kind of stuff that makes different and unique.

Vive la Difference
A cycle that encourages the pricelessness of differentness (if there is such a word), one that highlights the differences between cultures, countries, families and friends. It is said that diversity in nature is essential for the animal and plant kingdoms to thrive. The full moon lights up the crevices of our memories to remind us to value the similarities, the heart-warming points of connection and to respect the differences within our relationships and communities, so that we, the human race can thrive.

I do so love the notion that magic is alive and well in life. Imagine a world without fairies, Father Christmas and mythical creatures of the imagination. Seriously though, the light of the full moon illuminates the potential of the future. It encourages us to believe in magic and the concept that anything is possible.

How we navigate the territory of this cycle is a matter of choice. We can either resist reform with all our might (and remain stuck in nasty judgements, finger-pointing and tiresome blaming) or we can ride the natural evolutionary thrust of this powerful full moon.

With love for the excitement of change,

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Jupiter and the Sun Hold Hands

An Inspired Union

To listen to the blog click on the orange play button below
read the blog beneath the sound file
Back in December 2013, I specifically chose the new moon of the 26th / 27th July 2014 to re-launch the Candylwood Online Book & Chocolate shop. I picked this auspicious day because of the powerful creative force surging through a plethora of favourable planetary influences. The date of this gorgeous New Moon - 26th July, 2014 at 22h43 (GMT).

     A few days before the New Moon, and just moments before the Sun entered its very own kingdom of Leo, it held hands with the planet of abundance, growth, expansion, understanding, truth, generosity of spirit and beneficial gain – the magnificent Jupiter. Together they crossed the threshold of Leo to join the Moon in her moment of newness. A pretty picture indeed, one that marks a cycle of experiences in which we discover the following qualities:

·       The bringer of warmth and love to relationships, families, personal & work situations.

·       Ability to step beyond all that is known and comfortable into unfamiliar terrain with trust and the thrill of adventure.

·       Bursting with the chance to stretch into a bigger version of ourselves.

·       Discover how to express love in ways not voiced before and move relationships onto an entirely new level.  

·       A positive, inspired force of life and the ability to express this force in an expansive way in matters of personal importance.

·       This cycle is great for choosing a specific task / dream / project – focus on it, dream about it, love it, visualise its possibilities and then become totally immersed in it, take action and drive it into life. Think it, feel it, and do it as much as possible during the next year.

·       Use fire, the element of passion and love to creatively resolve problems, cleanse the unsavoury and sort out ongoing malevolent issues. Then soar to new heights.

·       Learn a little more about ourselves, but not in a back-breaking kind of way, rather with a sense of humour and fond teasing of our ‘not so fabulous’ behaviour.

·       Ability to tolerate the irritating behaviour of another or an impossibly difficult set of circumstances.

·       Protect what must be preserved and change what is no longer valid.

·       Ability to survive an emotional trauma, pick ourselves up and start again.

·       Abundance – of life, love, understanding and wealth.

·       Courage to stop following the path of others, pick up the reins and lead the way forward with belief and trust.

·       Enjoy this thrust of vitality and personal authority with greater self-confidence.

·       Use of the personal will to push through resistance.

·       Tap into life’s gift of genius and use it in a way that is personally relevant.

·       Spend time on something that is close to the heart, something we absolutely love.

·       Expand our thinking beyond petty judgements & blame and explore more expansive options.

·       Understanding trumps cantankerous impatience and ego-driven selfishness.

·       Wise guidance is issued in the nick of time before taking rash, hasty action – the kind driven by anger.

·       Express truth.

·       Express appreciation.

·       If adequate care is taken and a path of less foolishness followed, this influence of fortunately timed-action results in the furthering of a personal position or a project in the most beneficial of ways.

Of course this cycle has a shadow, a dark side that has to be addressed, but I am not in the mood to dwell on it. I simply do not want to dilute this creative force of life, this happy feeling, this surge of love and warmth that penetrates our consciousness. Naturally the sabotaging shadow is there and is valid but it just does not get any attention or focus in this blog.

One thing is for certain, this is a time to feel good – about ourselves, our relationships and the world in which we live.

With love for the creative force of life,

Friday, 13 June 2014

Two Solar Storms and a Full Moon

To listen to the audio version of the blog, click on the orange play button on the image below.

For those who are superstitious about Friday 13th, there could be a fair amount of trembling knees, because on this infamous day, not only is the moon full, the earth is bombarded with plasma from the sun. Powerful solar storms erupted from the sun on the 10th and 11th June 2014 causing a brief radio blackout on earth but the real +force of the storms is expected to hit the earth on Friday 13th June. The moon is full at 04h13 (GMT).
     Satellites, communication systems and the earth’s electromagnetic field are often affected when the sun shoots off solar flares. Each cell in our body has an electromagnetic field, so one wonders about the affect of these solar storms on our physical bodies.
     Astrology is a study of the symbolic movements of the planets and stars. The sun symbolises the essence, awareness and consciousness of an individual. I can’t help but think that these storms symbolise a burst of new awareness. Perhaps the shift in the electromagnetic field clears space for the pouring in of new consciousness and because of the position of the moon, possibly more knowledge. These are merely my musings and interpretation of a solar flare hitting the earth at the time of a full moon in the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, and most certainly not scientific fact.  
    A strong theme of this moon cycle is to free the mind from insecurities of the past. Mercury is retrograde from the 7th June until the 1st July, taking us back to insecurities linked with trust, commitment, and responsibility problems, made painfully visible in the light of the full moon.
    In the way true to human beings we can expect a reaction of denial when exposed to some of these insecurities. It could be a predicament involving commitment or lack thereof, or a fear that causes trust to be broken, or possibly an avoidance of responsibility. Usually the insecurity, the fear or the action are beautifully justified by the crafty mind. Running away from the situation is then twisted into acceptable behaviour.
   The light of the full moon exposes a time in the past when generosity was taken for granted or even exploited. Rarely is such an action acknowledged or even thought of as a travesty because again it is the shrewd mind that blurs the picture and shields us from the truth. The only way, in my view, to restore a balanced flow of ‘give and take’ is firstly to admit the exploitation, take responsibility and extend a gesture of kindness.
    It is likely that the above-mentioned insecurities will erupt in emotional drama. However, the image of solar storms stirring up the electromagnetic field and the chance to break free from the cunning mind is heartening. The mere idea of gaining better understanding, learning and knowing more, is thrilling. The concept of expanding beyond stale beliefs is most welcome.
    The influence of the full moon does not only harass past insecurities, it brings a thrust of determination and optimism and inspired sell-confidence. There is a surge of enthusiasm. It is a phase in which to expand our personal worlds so as to experience more of life. We need something new to strive for, something exciting, stimulating, something that adds a tone of warmth to our lives. And what’s more this influence brings focus and the staying power to overcome commitment phobias and trust issues. We drive our lives forward with the kind of self-assurance that leads to successful outcomes. Naturally one must keep one’s eye on self-righteous attitudes that lead to arrogance.
    We ought to cast aside concerns about how others see us. It is important to shift the focus from a personal, self-involved, egotistical perspective to the grander vision. I acknowledge this cycle is disruptive, what with a full moon and solar storms on the same day but storms can be exciting, cleansing, refreshing and this moon cycle carries a positive force, it inspires growth, it encourages us to rise up on the wings of the eagle so that we can see what is possible. 
For love of the fight of an eagle,

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Four Blood Moons
A Lunar Tetrad

Dramatic planetary and lunar activity, overwhelming to say the least, has left me with more questions than answers. However, I shall do my level best to translate their complex interactions into some sort of meaning.
    Earlier in the week I put down the bones of this blog, addressing the total eclipse of the Moon on Tuesday 15th at 07h43 (GMT) and its association with the already much discussed Cardinal Grand Square. At a glance, I was delighted with the positive, creative force of the eclipse, ordinarily shrouded in a reputation of all things bad.
    The influence of the eclipse and the square alone is a mouthful and worthy of a book, so imagine my astonishment when I discovered that Mars, from its corner in the Grand Square, forms a perfect alignment with the Sun & the Earth on Tuesday 8th April. Then on the 15th April, the day of the lunar eclipse, it makes its closest pass to us. Each evening Mars can be seen in the eastern sky just after sunset, its reddish glow bigger and brighter than any other time during its two year orbit of the Sun.
    What’s more, the total eclipse of the Moon is not your average garden variety type of eclipse, but is part of something rather special called a Lunar Tetrad. A Lunar Tetrad is a sequence of four total eclipses, separated by six months. During a lunar eclipse the Moon moves through the Earth’s shadow and the colour of the golden full Moon changes to a burnt orange or a deep red, hence its name, blood moon. The hue is dependent on the amount of volcanic activity affecting the earth’s atmosphere. The dates of the four blood moons are:

·         15th April 2014

·         8th October 2014

·         4th April 2015

·         28th September 2015

Lunar Tetrads do not occur in a set pattern and their occurrence is fairly rare. None occurred at all during the 17th, 18th and 19th century but eight will occur during the 21st century. There is so much to explore with these great cosmic events, so much I don’t yet understand, hence my prudence in sticking to what I am confidently able to interpret. I shall tackle two major themes, one pertaining to the Grand Square/Cross and the other to the lunar eclipse.
    Before diving into their symbolism, I would like to draw attention to the fact that this Grand Square and its accompanying lunar eclipse, do not stand alone. They are part of a greater cycle of growth and link to other planetary configurations that occurred in the past:

·         1999

·         2003/2004

·         2010

The Grand Square/Cross

We are on the home stretch, soon arriving at a place of accomplishment. After months of hard work (inner and outer), overcoming obstacles and frustrations, structuring and restructuring our personal worlds, the time for reward is upon us. Naturally the level of accomplishment and reward is dependent on the amount of effort that was put into restructuring vulnerable support systems and relationships.
    On the 22nd, 23rd and 24th April 2014, the four planets, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto, in a dramatic finale, lock into a perfect square on the 13th degree of each of the four signs the zodiac – Libra, Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn. It is my sense that this is the moment when things click into place, when the real reason for the Grand Square/Cross is evident – major accomplishment. So now is the time to question, very seriously, what it is that we want to build in our personal worlds. This, in my view, is the wisest way to navigate the square and the eclipse. The questions relevant to the Square are as follows: 

·         Who do I most want to be?

·         Who do I most want to spend my life with?

·         To whom do I belong?

·         Where do I belong – what ground do I want my feet to walk upon?

·         Where do I most want to go?

·         What do I most want to build?

·         How do I most want to spend my time?

The answers to these questions will bring focus to the four cornerstones of our existence on the Earth and how best to stabilise and strengthen our personal worlds.

Blood Moon

Firstly, let me get the challenges associated with eclipses out of the way. The reason they have a reputation for bringing disaster or being a harbinger of bad things is because they reveal what is out of balance or out of alignment. They throw well-hidden shame or fear into view. An eclipse is not a bad sport; its job is simply to highlight what is out of kilter and to reveal subversive subconscious patterns that repeatedly sabotage happiness and fulfilment. Our job is then to cleanse or eliminate them from our subconscious.
    Each and every eclipse is about alignment. The four eclipses of the upcoming Lunar Tetrad specifically highlight all relationships – the alignment between ourselves and others. The best place to start is to check how well aligned we are as individuals, how well the inner core is aligned with the way in which we express that core, not only in relationships but also in daily life. How well aligned is our behaviour, within our important relationships, with the personal core? If we falsely represent who we really are, we draw the kind of people who resonate with that fabrication and that relationship inevitably ends in friction and strife.
    Perhaps the following questions will assist in finding appropriate alignment during the next two years:

Who in my life do I most want to align with?

·         Friends

·         Work colleagues

·         Family members

·         Neighbours

·         Inspirational role models, Madiba comes to mind

What kind of people do I want in my life in the future?

·         What kind of friend

·         What kind of love relationship partner

·         What kind of boss

·         What kind of working associates

What principles / philosophies do I most want to align with?

What kind of activities do I most want to align with?

·         Hobbies

·         Projects

·         Goals

·         Dreams

·         Leisure activities

·         Sport

·         holidays

How do I most want to behave in my relationships?

·         Spouse / partner

·         Children

·         Parents

·         Work colleagues

·         Friends

 Then lastly these following questions will help with personal alignment:

·        Is the way I present myself to the world in alignment with who I  am?

·        Is the face of my business adequately reflecting what it is genuinely about?

·        Is how I look (hairstyle, choice of clothes) a true reflection of who I am?

Whew, it all feels rather exhausting, but it is a task that will bring focus to the restructuring of relationships and our personal worlds to make the most of the eclipses and grand squares.

The degrees of the zodiac upon which the Sun and the Moon fall during the eclipse are delightfully positive. They hold qualities with which to create and build. They inspire the inventor, the builder, the writer, the artist. They inspire the ability to convert dreams into reality, the imagination being a precious tool. These two degrees simply burst with creativity and imbue confidence. There is a kind of boldness that dares us to step out of stagnation and into action, to create with abandon and to love with passion.

With love for the beautiful sky,