Thursday, 6 November 2014


An Exulted Moment in Time
Full Moon – 6th November 2014 23h22 (GMT)

I was going to skip writing a blog on November’s full moon, not because it is torrid or difficult, it just had not caught my attention. Admittedly I have been busy in my gorgeous newly expanded studio making products, preparing for season and lost in story (audio books). Then last night, Raine, a friend who avidly follows my blogs and always puts the monthly influences to good use, sent a What’s App reminding me it is full moon time and as yet there is no sign of my blog. It was in no way demanding rather sent with a teasing tone but nonetheless was still a hint, which I intended to ignore.

    But then just before ensconcing myself in story and product-making for the day, I popped down to my office to tackle a bit of admin and took a peek at today’s full moon. Not minutes past before my pencil was scribbling down thoughts and so thanks to Raine, November’s full moon will be blogged.

    The moon is full in Taurus, a place on the zodiac (imaginary band around the earth) that she absolutely loves to visit, a place where her qualities are beautifully expressed, a time when the light of the sun reflects all possibility for emotional and financial security.

    This particular Taurus full moon encourages us to build further on what we had considered complete. It inspires adding further value to what was thought to be enough. All at once we see how to make profit out of very little, we see how planting a few seeds grows a whole season of food in the veggie garden. When resources seem used up, we find new ones, better ideas, and new potential.

    There will be moments of feeling out of sorts, feeling out of place in the world, yet it is from this scratchy, slightly insecure place that something meaningful can be achieved. In fact, it cannot be achieved without feeling out of place or that sense of not fitting in or belonging. Gallant ideas bring success.

    Now let’s look at the problematic side of this full moon’s influence. It is going to highlight where we are stuck, probably due to a stubborn refusal to alter a position or change a situation, probably because it reeks of fear or possibly because we are trapped in either emotional insecurity, financial insecurity or both.

    There is another element to consider, one offered by Saturn and a star called Agena. It indicates the likelihood of learning something profound and of immense value through rather painful circumstances. Why, oh why, is it pain that prompts the most powerful form learning? Perhaps it is the force of anguish that breaks down obstinacy, unsettles inflexibility and punches stubbornness on the nose. Whatever the shape of the pain, it could very well be the force needed to shift the stuckness (probably no such word but it sounds so good).

    But pain is not the only option on offer, if the will is strong enough to let go of bull-headed stubbornness or possessive clinging to an idea or situation, it is possible to simply float up onto a cloud and from this vantage point, not only is the view spectacular, but we see what is on the other side of the mountain. We see what lies beyond the barriers that have caused endless frustration. We see where to go next and how to get there. We see the way around obstacles or through a maze of complex problems.

    It is from the elevated position that we clearly see what needs to be eliminated (a habit, person or situation) because it is precisely the habit, person or situation that stands in the way of expansion and perpetuates stuckness.

Threats to Successful Growth and Profitable Gain:

·       Stubborn refusal to budge

·       Ruthless and cruel self-serving actions

·       Falling prey to unconscious patterns – victimized

·       Disempowered by old habits

·       Reckless misuse of personal influence

This full moon lights up the dark night and the way to emotional and or financial security.

With love and appreciation for the silvery light of the moon,


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