Monday, 6 October 2014

Walking the Tight Rope
Full Moon – 8th October 2014 10h52 (GMT)
Total Eclipse of the Moon

Ordinarily we are not able to see the earth’s shadow because there is nothing for it to be cast upon and it falls away into deep space. However, during a lunar eclipse, the moon positions itself perfectly between the earth and the sun and it is at this time (two or three times a year) that our shadow darkens the moon.

The lunar eclipse on the 8th October 2014 turns our attention away from what we know about ourselves and our relationships. It turns our heads to face the earth’s shadow and in this shadow land we see repressed personal needs, repressed anger, and repressed self-assertion. Even if we’d prefer not to look at inappropriate personal behaviour born out of these repressions, unavoidable circumstances will provide the occasion wherein we review ourselves and our relationships. We see with alarming clarity where we stand within our partnerships.

The totally eclipsed moon drags the imbalances between self and others into view. In fact, imbalance in all areas of life is visible in the shadowland:

·       Between work and play

·       Within the family

·       Within love relationships

·       Within working associations

·       Within friendships

·       Between self and all others

·       Between giving and receiving

·       Within eating habits / dietary plans

·       Between busy time and quiet time

The influence of the lunar eclipse stirs the kind of passion and creative / sexual tension that holds relationship together. It evokes courage to speak up and ask for what we need, to boldly confront imbalances and initiate proper action, respectfully and with grace, to fulfil personal wishes and restore balance wherever it is required.

We learn afresh when to step forward and when to stand still. Correcting an imbalance within a relationship does not always require pushy demands because sometimes it is better to quietly allow the other person the chance to contribute in the way they can and not in the way we expect.

However, repressed anger could be triggered as a necessary force to break an impasse or an impossibly out-of-balance scenario.  

Alongside the eclipse is a rather gorgeous influence causing the two or three months affected by the eclipse’s influence to be awash with opportunities for huge fun, romance and also gain within business. The promotion of anything new & inventive leads us into the next stage of our future with idealism and foresight. We are to look ahead to new possibilities with courage, determination and focus, even when the adversity of the past tugs from behind and threatens to destroy the dreams of the future. It is time to dig deep and draw from the well of personal talent and to dare to pioneer ways of expressing this talent.     

Mostly the strength of the eclipse is felt in the zone of relationships and it sparks the desire for balance. We learn the art of tight-rope walking, holding the balancing pole of confronting & compromising, of giving and receiving, of demanding & responding, of accepting & rejecting, of communicating & listening as we cross the rope towards those with whom we are suspended in relationship.

With love for the dazzling and breath-taking walk across a tight-rope,

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