Friday, 13 June 2014

Two Solar Storms and a Full Moon

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For those who are superstitious about Friday 13th, there could be a fair amount of trembling knees, because on this infamous day, not only is the moon full, the earth is bombarded with plasma from the sun. Powerful solar storms erupted from the sun on the 10th and 11th June 2014 causing a brief radio blackout on earth but the real +force of the storms is expected to hit the earth on Friday 13th June. The moon is full at 04h13 (GMT).
     Satellites, communication systems and the earth’s electromagnetic field are often affected when the sun shoots off solar flares. Each cell in our body has an electromagnetic field, so one wonders about the affect of these solar storms on our physical bodies.
     Astrology is a study of the symbolic movements of the planets and stars. The sun symbolises the essence, awareness and consciousness of an individual. I can’t help but think that these storms symbolise a burst of new awareness. Perhaps the shift in the electromagnetic field clears space for the pouring in of new consciousness and because of the position of the moon, possibly more knowledge. These are merely my musings and interpretation of a solar flare hitting the earth at the time of a full moon in the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, and most certainly not scientific fact.  
    A strong theme of this moon cycle is to free the mind from insecurities of the past. Mercury is retrograde from the 7th June until the 1st July, taking us back to insecurities linked with trust, commitment, and responsibility problems, made painfully visible in the light of the full moon.
    In the way true to human beings we can expect a reaction of denial when exposed to some of these insecurities. It could be a predicament involving commitment or lack thereof, or a fear that causes trust to be broken, or possibly an avoidance of responsibility. Usually the insecurity, the fear or the action are beautifully justified by the crafty mind. Running away from the situation is then twisted into acceptable behaviour.
   The light of the full moon exposes a time in the past when generosity was taken for granted or even exploited. Rarely is such an action acknowledged or even thought of as a travesty because again it is the shrewd mind that blurs the picture and shields us from the truth. The only way, in my view, to restore a balanced flow of ‘give and take’ is firstly to admit the exploitation, take responsibility and extend a gesture of kindness.
    It is likely that the above-mentioned insecurities will erupt in emotional drama. However, the image of solar storms stirring up the electromagnetic field and the chance to break free from the cunning mind is heartening. The mere idea of gaining better understanding, learning and knowing more, is thrilling. The concept of expanding beyond stale beliefs is most welcome.
    The influence of the full moon does not only harass past insecurities, it brings a thrust of determination and optimism and inspired sell-confidence. There is a surge of enthusiasm. It is a phase in which to expand our personal worlds so as to experience more of life. We need something new to strive for, something exciting, stimulating, something that adds a tone of warmth to our lives. And what’s more this influence brings focus and the staying power to overcome commitment phobias and trust issues. We drive our lives forward with the kind of self-assurance that leads to successful outcomes. Naturally one must keep one’s eye on self-righteous attitudes that lead to arrogance.
    We ought to cast aside concerns about how others see us. It is important to shift the focus from a personal, self-involved, egotistical perspective to the grander vision. I acknowledge this cycle is disruptive, what with a full moon and solar storms on the same day but storms can be exciting, cleansing, refreshing and this moon cycle carries a positive force, it inspires growth, it encourages us to rise up on the wings of the eagle so that we can see what is possible. 
For love of the fight of an eagle,

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