Shifting Shape
July Full Moon
The job of July’s Full Moon is to get
us to take a long, hard look at any weakness in the structures we built in the
past to support:
· projects - personal or business
· relationships – mainly business but also family
& personal
Out with the feather duster and away
with the cobwebs of denial. There is no place for procrastination, pretence or time
spent drifting blissfully in bubbles of delusion. Avoidance will squirm beneath
the stern demeanour of the Capricorn Moon. Difficulties arise (usually painful
ones) that deliberately expose whatever has gone wrong and whatever is no
longer functioning efficiently. Structures too feeble to support and protect a
personal position within our jobs, businesses or relationships are under
scrutiny and could face demolition.
Brutal honesty (with ourselves and
others) along with big kahunas are needed to confront problems (ones
conveniently avoided in the past) that undermine the chance to achieve. Or it’s
the kind of problem that threatens our basic sense of security. It could be an
external problem resulting in necessary repair work or it could be an internal
struggle with personal demons that undermines emotional stability.
It may feel like it is far too harsh
and negative a sky to live under during July but the Capricorn influence is not
innately negative. It does not dwell on failures and inadequacies. It does not
condemn or point a disapproving finger. It exposes problems solely for the
purpose of strengthening the weak stuff. It encourages the building of a
supportive frame from good moral fibre that is dependable, trustworthy and
responsible. Its aim is to instil a feeling of security, to make us strong from
the inside out.
The good news is that there is an abundance
of reassuring influences in the side-lines – an increase in vitality, a surge
of courage, the desire to take action, resourcefulness, ambition and strength
of character. It is up to us to put these qualities to good use.
It is not complicated, in fact, once
we have admitted to a failing, everything is made easy. We are then in a
position to fix the problem and get on with the job of building a more stable
structure with which to proceed. What follows is good old fashioned hard work.
It is a simple formula, really. Put in the ten thousand hours and skill &
success is sure to follow. I guess the hindrance lies in the hesitancy to make a
commitment. Once the commitment is made and backed up with focus, discipline
and perseverance, the sweet taste of achievement is delicious.
The Lesson
However, there is one small hurdle.
Added to the above-mentioned challenges is an important lesson. The lesson is activated
by the Moon’s unnervingly close proximity to Pluto on the zodiacal band. It is
likely that an incident, something that seems beyond our control, causes an emotional
explosion or implosion.
It is intense. It exposes
vulnerability. It reveals true feelings. It takes away perspective. It blasts
disempowering modes of behaviour into view. It uncovers emotional manipulation
(conscious or unconscious). It hurts.
The lesson has two parts:
· release - let go
· reshape - rebuild
The Moon/Pluto conjunction requires
us to let go of the incident. It happened. It is done. No action can undo what
has been done so we need to let it go. Not the whole matter, just the incident.
We must let go of destructive feelings connected to the incident. We must let
go of the unruly thoughts connected to the incident. We must let go of the need
to change the incident.
Only when we release our emotional
attachment to the painful incident are we open to learning something from it.
This is when we experience the second part of the lesson - identify a
repetitive pattern and admit its control over us. Then we sit down with pen and
paper, scratch the head a little and re-design a new shape to replace the one
that got damaged in the emotional explosion. We cannot change the incident but
we can change the effect it has on us and we can change the shape of the structure
that got damaged.
It is probably the structure of a
project (business or personal) or the structure of a relationship (business or
personal) that needs to be reshaped and rebuilt but my sense is that this
Moon/Pluto conjunction could powerfully transform other areas of our lives too,
not just the bits put under the microscope by the Capricorn Full Moon.
With love for a chance to shift an
old shape,
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