Friday, 31 July 2015

Retrograde Venus 

According to the original definition of a Blue Moon, the second full moon of July 2015 is not, in fact, a Blue Moon but I shan’t go into the details of the original definition as there is the important matter of Retrograde Venus  to discuss. What I will say is that some 70 years ago, the second Full Moon in a month was erroneously reported as a Blue Moon and people ran with it. However, two Full Moons in a month is fairly rare, occurring every 2½ years, giving the saying ‘once in a Blue Moon’ credibility.

When I drew up the chart for the Aquarian Full Moon at 10h44(GMT) on 31st July 2015, I was surprised to see that its dramatically unpredictable, exciting and radically over-the-top influences were dwarfed by the striking features of the Venus Retrograde period. A short paragraph would simply not do so the entire blog is dedicated to Venus’s apparent backward movement, apparent because it is an illusion of backward movement. The planets only ever move forward in their orbit around the Sun.

The retrograde phase is between 25th July 2015 and 6th September 2015 but some Venus-related matters (relationship, finances, self-esteem, values) will have made themselves known at about the time of the June Solstice on the 21st June 2015. These concerns are to be unpacked, examined and dealt with during the retrograde period.

I have chosen to concentrate on one Venus theme – relationships. The purpose of any retrograde phase is to retrace our steps to locate a point in time where we went wrong, made a poor decision, did something ineffectively, made a hasty choice or proceeded without sufficient information. With Venus, we travel back through relationship experiences mostly probing unsuitable behaviour as well as the health of our personal relationships.

The Goddess of Love is not without problems as she embarks on her retrograde journey. I shall look at how relationships are affected by each of the following points:

·       Venus turns retrograde on the zero degree of Virgo

·       Venus square Saturn

·       Venus conjunct Jupiter

 Venus Retrograde on the zero degree of Virgo
She could have chosen a better degree of the zodiacal belt upon which to turn on her symbolical heels. This degree of Virgo promotes harshly critical assessment, naturally for the purpose of improvement but for those of us who are overly sensitive (especially to criticism), or hate to be told we are wrong, or worse, in denial of our faults, this is going to be a rough retrograde ride. It is sure to throw problematic relationships into crises.
    You know how some people only see what is wrong with a situation or the faults of a partner, well they will come into their own under this influence.
    All the little problems within relationships that have been hidden under the carpet, because we didn’t have a clue how to resolve them, are going to be swept out during the thorough spring-cleaning of all personal relationships that Venus has in store for us.
    Fortunately whilst in the middle of the big clean-up we shall make astute observations (without unkind judgement) of attitudes that are dismissive, of a tone that hurts unnecessarily and of the self-sacrificing acts of the martyr. We comprehend the results of ineffectual behaviour.
    Then with some ease, a plan is constructed to heal the damaged parts of our important relationships. These are the positive features of Venus backtracking through relationship territory – going as far back as the end of 2013 or further in some cases.
    As you can see this is not the most romantic of Venus retrograde phases, it is all hard work, sorting out, cleaning up and fixing the broken bits. At all times we ought to strive to avoid being over-critical or harshly judgemental and most importantly to not cling desperately to one tiny detail, obsessing over it. We need to recognise it is just one small element of a bigger situation. The good news is that by the middle of November, we should all have squeaky-clean relationships.

Venus Square Saturn
This square is going to provoke a whole lot of tension in the relationships that are in bad shape. Saturn is not altogether a bad guy and is not being cruel when he looks down upon the agony caused by the difficulties he orchestrated. He is clear in his intentions; identify weakness, then get on with the restructuring work and keep at it until the relationship is strong again. He knows emphatically that Love deepens when supported by a true and stable framework. But if the partnership is impossible to save, it is his recommendation to call in the demolition crew.
    Good relationships built with integrity and honesty survive the challenges of the Square, growing more solid This is not to say those relationship are perfect, just that right from the start they were mostly built with good moral fibre. Relationships that have always been on shaky ground, the ones where secrets, barriers, mistrust and dishonesty featured during the forming of the relationships, may not survive this square.

Venus Conjunct Jupiter
Oh what joy to discover fun amidst all this hard work! Jupiter is sure to lift the mood. He brings warmth to the seemingly cold-hearted, fault-finding relationship assessment process. He reminds us of the power of love showered upon us by the exquisite Goddess of Love & Beauty. He helps us to see what is good and right in our relationships. He highlights the worth of the partner. He reminds us to avoid getting locked in the small details and to always keep one eye on the reason for being in the relationship in the first place. Also, to always appreciate its immense value. These two remind us that on occasion, we are able to achieve more in a partnership than slogging it out alone.
    One warning though, Jupiter’s job is to expand and enlarge, so yes, we feel the love filling our chests and catch our breath at the sheer loveliness of a single flower. But remember that every difficulty thrown at us by the Venus/Saturn Square will be amplified. The problems are specifically exaggerated for those of us in denial, or for those of us missing the point. Jupiter ensures we do not miss this special opportunity to strengthen our self-esteem, attract income and wealth, find love and build better relationships.

With love for spring-cleaning,

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Shifting Shape
July Full Moon
The job of July’s Full Moon is to get us to take a long, hard look at any weakness in the structures we built in the past to support:
·       projects - personal or business
·       relationships – mainly business but also family & personal

Out with the feather duster and away with the cobwebs of denial. There is no place for procrastination, pretence or time spent drifting blissfully in bubbles of delusion. Avoidance will squirm beneath the stern demeanour of the Capricorn Moon. Difficulties arise (usually painful ones) that deliberately expose whatever has gone wrong and whatever is no longer functioning efficiently. Structures too feeble to support and protect a personal position within our jobs, businesses or relationships are under scrutiny and could face demolition.

Brutal honesty (with ourselves and others) along with big kahunas are needed to confront problems (ones conveniently avoided in the past) that undermine the chance to achieve. Or it’s the kind of problem that threatens our basic sense of security. It could be an external problem resulting in necessary repair work or it could be an internal struggle with personal demons that undermines emotional stability.

It may feel like it is far too harsh and negative a sky to live under during July but the Capricorn influence is not innately negative. It does not dwell on failures and inadequacies. It does not condemn or point a disapproving finger. It exposes problems solely for the purpose of strengthening the weak stuff. It encourages the building of a supportive frame from good moral fibre that is dependable, trustworthy and responsible. Its aim is to instil a feeling of security, to make us strong from the inside out.

The good news is that there is an abundance of reassuring influences in the side-lines – an increase in vitality, a surge of courage, the desire to take action, resourcefulness, ambition and strength of character. It is up to us to put these qualities to good use.

It is not complicated, in fact, once we have admitted to a failing, everything is made easy. We are then in a position to fix the problem and get on with the job of building a more stable structure with which to proceed. What follows is good old fashioned hard work. It is a simple formula, really. Put in the ten thousand hours and skill & success is sure to follow. I guess the hindrance lies in the hesitancy to make a commitment. Once the commitment is made and backed up with focus, discipline and perseverance, the sweet taste of achievement is delicious.

The Lesson
However, there is one small hurdle. Added to the above-mentioned challenges is an important lesson. The lesson is activated by the Moon’s unnervingly close proximity to Pluto on the zodiacal band. It is likely that an incident, something that seems beyond our control, causes an emotional explosion or implosion.  

It is intense. It exposes vulnerability. It reveals true feelings.  It takes away perspective. It blasts disempowering modes of behaviour into view. It uncovers emotional manipulation (conscious or unconscious). It hurts.

The lesson has two parts:

·       release - let go

·       reshape - rebuild

The Moon/Pluto conjunction requires us to let go of the incident. It happened. It is done. No action can undo what has been done so we need to let it go. Not the whole matter, just the incident. We must let go of destructive feelings connected to the incident. We must let go of the unruly thoughts connected to the incident. We must let go of the need to change the incident.

Only when we release our emotional attachment to the painful incident are we open to learning something from it. This is when we experience the second part of the lesson - identify a repetitive pattern and admit its control over us. Then we sit down with pen and paper, scratch the head a little and re-design a new shape to replace the one that got damaged in the emotional explosion. We cannot change the incident but we can change the effect it has on us and we can change the shape of the structure that got damaged.

It is probably the structure of a project (business or personal) or the structure of a relationship (business or personal) that needs to be reshaped and rebuilt but my sense is that this Moon/Pluto conjunction could powerfully transform other areas of our lives too, not just the bits put under the microscope by the Capricorn Full Moon.

With love for a chance to shift an old shape,

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Evening Sky Inspiration
Venus & Jupiter

Venus and Jupiter have drawn the eyes skyward with gasps of amazement all the way through June and will continue to do so during July. They appeared to almost touch on Tuesday 30th June and Wednesday 1st July 2015. On 18th July the sliver of the moon will join them again and they all will be in close proximity to Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation of Leo (heart of the lion). A spectacular sight to be sure. Then on the 26th October 2015, Venus and Jupiter sidle up close one last time before getting together again in 2016.

Though the full moon is on the 2nd July I have chosen to write about the two lovelies and will do the full moon blog early next week.

The astrological symbolism of the Venus/Jupiter conjunction is as beautiful and inspiring as their presence in the evening sky. Naturally they have a shadow, but they are the two planets that represent good fortune and all that is exquisite in life. I shall first describe the symbolism of their conjoined position in Leo and will then lay out their individual influence in point form.

The 21st degree in Leo stimulates a surge of abundant energy for the expression of benevolence, kindness, generosity, love and understanding. It prompts a desire to overcome personal weakness. It stirs competitiveness to be the best we possibly can, or at the very least to have a good shot at it.

Desire to initiate something of real meaning, something held close to the heart, is overwhelming. But this is not where it ends because this degree in Leo upholds the determination to finish whatever is initiated.  

Talent is brought into sharp focus and with crystal clear understanding we know exactly how to use this talent.

Venus is the goddess of love, she symbolises the way we are in relationship, she inspires talent, draws income and represents the power to attract. She holds the key to the condition of our self-value or the lack thereof. She is loveliness personified. She is a symbol of good fortune.

Jupiter symbolises truth, knowledge and wisdom. It represents our ability to learn and to understand. It is the planet of growth and expansion, of generosity and material abundance – well abundance of everything really. It too is the symbol of good fortune.

Attributes, both positive and negative, of the Venus / Jupiter conjunction:


·       Attracts opportunities to learn

·       Attracts opportunities to grow

·       Attracts opportunities to expand

·       Attracts opportunities for better understanding

·       Attracts wisdom

·       Attracts good fortune

·       Attracts the truth

·       Attracts material comfort

·       Attracts income

·       Attracts appreciation, love and respect

·       Attracts new ways of being in relationship

·       Attracts kindness

·       Attracts opportunities to express talent

·       Attracts opportunities to express generosity

·       Attracts generosity from others


·       Laziness

·       Self-indulgence

·       Negligent use of knowledge

·       Lack of appreciation of earth’s resources

·       Rejection of truth

·       Neglecting to express, honour and use talent

·       Wasting opportunities to learn

·       Disrespect

·       Lack of appreciation of the gift of relationship

·       Lack of generosity

·       Relationship difficulties

·       Over-spending

·       Extravagance in a wasteful way


·       Reveals how much we are loved

·       Reveals special qualities

·       Reveals the value of relationship / partnership

·       Reveals how to grow within relationship

·       Reveals how to expand the relationship itself onto a new plane

·       Reveals which relationships are valid and which are not

·       Reveals what is important in relationships and what is not

·       Reveals true worth

·       Reveals how to expand income

·       Reveals real understanding of personal talent

·       Reveals spiritual truth

·       Reveals understanding of self

·       Reveals understanding of others

·       Magnifies income opportunities

·       Magnifies LOVE

·       Magnifies BEAUTY

·       Magnifies all that is special in Life


·       Overextending personal resources

·       Overreaching so as to be loved, appreciated, accepted

·       Magnifies damaged self-worth

·       Magnifies relationship problems

·       Exaggerates misuse of finances

·       Overindulgence that leads to waste

·       Exposes lack of integrity

·       Self-righteousness

It’s time to indulge in the good stuff on the other side of the Wall, and the overwhelmingly amount of LOVE found there.

With love for the whole Universe