Friday, 25 September 2015


Retrospective Action

Inspired by an Eclipse of a Super Moon

& Mercury Retrograde
The full moon of Monday 28th September 2015 at 02h48 (GMT) in Aries stands out as the most special of 2015, for three reasons:

1.     Harvest Moon

2.     Super Moon

3.     Total Eclipse of the Moon

 Harvest Moon:

This is the full moon that falls closest to the equinox on the 23rd September.

At this time of year, corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild rice—the chief Native American staples—are ready for gathering; and at the peak of the harvest, farmers could work into the night by the light of this full moon.

Most of the year, the moon rises an average of 50 minutes later each night, but for the few nights around the harvest moon, the moon seems to rise at nearly the same time each night: just 25 to 30 minutes later across the United States, and only 10 to 20 minutes later for much of Canada and Europe.’
Geoff Gaherty (

Super Moon:
On average the moon takes 29.5 days to orbit the earth. Because of it slightly irregular orbit there is one day when it passes close to the earth (perigee) and one day when it reaches its furthest point from the earth (apogee). On occasion the moon is full at the same time it is closest to the earth. In recent years this perigee full moon adopted the name ‘super moon’. See diagram (not to scale)
Total Lunar Eclipse:

A perfect alignment of the moon, earth and sun, where the shadow of the earth totally covers the moon. There are usually two lunar eclipses in a year. Not all are total as some are partial or penumbral eclipses. The September 2015 lunar eclipse is special because it is the last of four total eclipses in a row, known as a tetrad. An interesting fact is that during the 1900’s there was not a single tetrad, yet during the 21st century, according to NASA, there will be eight. The dates of the four total eclipses of the tetrad and their zodiacal sign positions are:

DATE                     MOON     SUN

April 15th 2014       Libra        Aries

October 8th 2014     Aries        Libra

April 4th 2015         Libra        Aries

Sept 28th 2015         Aries        Libra

Right, now that I have laid out the technical information, I shall do my best to interpret the astrological symbolism. All eclipses draw attention to two matters:

·       Confronting shadow qualities

·       Addressing that which is out of alignment

The four eclipses of the tetrad focus on imbalance & the state of relationships, specifically emphasising a personal position within all partnerships.

 Coinciding with the Sept 2015 lunar eclipse is Mercury’s retrograde phase through Libra. We retrace our steps through relationship territory all the way back to April 2014 examining the very moment we made a choice that led to imbalance or compromised a personal position. It may have been a conversation, an argument or the initiating of a course of action that took us off track. We are to go back over choices and decisions made during the past year-and-a-half that led to problems within relationships.

 During this eclipse phase of influence (approximately six weeks) and the Mercury retrograde period (until the 9th Oct 2015) we have the opportunity to take retrospective action to repair past damage, to restore balance within our relationships and to establish a better personal position. It’s a new chance really, an opportunity to start afresh. Renewed courage is available to confront the ostracised shadow qualities, to admit mistakes, take responsibility for them and move on.

 Naturally as with all eclipses, there will be periods of discomfort. Its dark side could cause us to impose our will on another without consideration for their needs or desires. This type of destructive behaviour is not dissimilar to that of a terrorist with absolutely no thought or concern for others. Other dark elements could emerge in the form of an unpredictable force over which we have little or no control. We are to be super aware of our actions and how they affect others and the world around us.

 During the inward journey we find the courage to confront personal failings and relationship dilemmas.

·       We address how we only validate ourselves with the approval of another.

·       We observe how impulsive action or hasty decisions led to imbalance and caused misalignment with personal needs.

·       We address unhealthy relationship behaviour.

·       We observe self-indulgence at the expense of another.

·       We notice obsessive self-involvement – our own or that of another.

·       We observe how and when we overextended ourselves (in the name of love) to personal detriment.

·       We see how sparks of anger gave us courage to assert a personal need.

·       We see how sparks of anger were destructive and harmful.

 Following the inward journey is a phase of constructive action. We overcome an emotional muddle and we start again. We pioneer a new way out of the confusion of the recent past. There is a surge of energy to stabilise wobbly life situations. We make adjustments to the positions we hold within all significant relationships. We put ideas into action.

There is a fine line to walk in the land of relationship, one that is situated somewhere between dictating selfish demands and yielding in total self-sacrifice. It is a balancing act in want of the talent of a tight-rope-walker. Perhaps this talent is to be found in the shadowy light of the September full moon? Perhaps it is in the brighter light of the super close super moon that we shall discover a way to resolve conflict, one that ditches the need for brutality and war in the world?  

It is in the light of the moon that we dream, that we believe in magic and come to know anything is possible.

With love for the stuff we find in the dark,

Friday, 31 July 2015

Retrograde Venus 

According to the original definition of a Blue Moon, the second full moon of July 2015 is not, in fact, a Blue Moon but I shan’t go into the details of the original definition as there is the important matter of Retrograde Venus  to discuss. What I will say is that some 70 years ago, the second Full Moon in a month was erroneously reported as a Blue Moon and people ran with it. However, two Full Moons in a month is fairly rare, occurring every 2½ years, giving the saying ‘once in a Blue Moon’ credibility.

When I drew up the chart for the Aquarian Full Moon at 10h44(GMT) on 31st July 2015, I was surprised to see that its dramatically unpredictable, exciting and radically over-the-top influences were dwarfed by the striking features of the Venus Retrograde period. A short paragraph would simply not do so the entire blog is dedicated to Venus’s apparent backward movement, apparent because it is an illusion of backward movement. The planets only ever move forward in their orbit around the Sun.

The retrograde phase is between 25th July 2015 and 6th September 2015 but some Venus-related matters (relationship, finances, self-esteem, values) will have made themselves known at about the time of the June Solstice on the 21st June 2015. These concerns are to be unpacked, examined and dealt with during the retrograde period.

I have chosen to concentrate on one Venus theme – relationships. The purpose of any retrograde phase is to retrace our steps to locate a point in time where we went wrong, made a poor decision, did something ineffectively, made a hasty choice or proceeded without sufficient information. With Venus, we travel back through relationship experiences mostly probing unsuitable behaviour as well as the health of our personal relationships.

The Goddess of Love is not without problems as she embarks on her retrograde journey. I shall look at how relationships are affected by each of the following points:

·       Venus turns retrograde on the zero degree of Virgo

·       Venus square Saturn

·       Venus conjunct Jupiter

 Venus Retrograde on the zero degree of Virgo
She could have chosen a better degree of the zodiacal belt upon which to turn on her symbolical heels. This degree of Virgo promotes harshly critical assessment, naturally for the purpose of improvement but for those of us who are overly sensitive (especially to criticism), or hate to be told we are wrong, or worse, in denial of our faults, this is going to be a rough retrograde ride. It is sure to throw problematic relationships into crises.
    You know how some people only see what is wrong with a situation or the faults of a partner, well they will come into their own under this influence.
    All the little problems within relationships that have been hidden under the carpet, because we didn’t have a clue how to resolve them, are going to be swept out during the thorough spring-cleaning of all personal relationships that Venus has in store for us.
    Fortunately whilst in the middle of the big clean-up we shall make astute observations (without unkind judgement) of attitudes that are dismissive, of a tone that hurts unnecessarily and of the self-sacrificing acts of the martyr. We comprehend the results of ineffectual behaviour.
    Then with some ease, a plan is constructed to heal the damaged parts of our important relationships. These are the positive features of Venus backtracking through relationship territory – going as far back as the end of 2013 or further in some cases.
    As you can see this is not the most romantic of Venus retrograde phases, it is all hard work, sorting out, cleaning up and fixing the broken bits. At all times we ought to strive to avoid being over-critical or harshly judgemental and most importantly to not cling desperately to one tiny detail, obsessing over it. We need to recognise it is just one small element of a bigger situation. The good news is that by the middle of November, we should all have squeaky-clean relationships.

Venus Square Saturn
This square is going to provoke a whole lot of tension in the relationships that are in bad shape. Saturn is not altogether a bad guy and is not being cruel when he looks down upon the agony caused by the difficulties he orchestrated. He is clear in his intentions; identify weakness, then get on with the restructuring work and keep at it until the relationship is strong again. He knows emphatically that Love deepens when supported by a true and stable framework. But if the partnership is impossible to save, it is his recommendation to call in the demolition crew.
    Good relationships built with integrity and honesty survive the challenges of the Square, growing more solid This is not to say those relationship are perfect, just that right from the start they were mostly built with good moral fibre. Relationships that have always been on shaky ground, the ones where secrets, barriers, mistrust and dishonesty featured during the forming of the relationships, may not survive this square.

Venus Conjunct Jupiter
Oh what joy to discover fun amidst all this hard work! Jupiter is sure to lift the mood. He brings warmth to the seemingly cold-hearted, fault-finding relationship assessment process. He reminds us of the power of love showered upon us by the exquisite Goddess of Love & Beauty. He helps us to see what is good and right in our relationships. He highlights the worth of the partner. He reminds us to avoid getting locked in the small details and to always keep one eye on the reason for being in the relationship in the first place. Also, to always appreciate its immense value. These two remind us that on occasion, we are able to achieve more in a partnership than slogging it out alone.
    One warning though, Jupiter’s job is to expand and enlarge, so yes, we feel the love filling our chests and catch our breath at the sheer loveliness of a single flower. But remember that every difficulty thrown at us by the Venus/Saturn Square will be amplified. The problems are specifically exaggerated for those of us in denial, or for those of us missing the point. Jupiter ensures we do not miss this special opportunity to strengthen our self-esteem, attract income and wealth, find love and build better relationships.

With love for spring-cleaning,

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Shifting Shape
July Full Moon
The job of July’s Full Moon is to get us to take a long, hard look at any weakness in the structures we built in the past to support:
·       projects - personal or business
·       relationships – mainly business but also family & personal

Out with the feather duster and away with the cobwebs of denial. There is no place for procrastination, pretence or time spent drifting blissfully in bubbles of delusion. Avoidance will squirm beneath the stern demeanour of the Capricorn Moon. Difficulties arise (usually painful ones) that deliberately expose whatever has gone wrong and whatever is no longer functioning efficiently. Structures too feeble to support and protect a personal position within our jobs, businesses or relationships are under scrutiny and could face demolition.

Brutal honesty (with ourselves and others) along with big kahunas are needed to confront problems (ones conveniently avoided in the past) that undermine the chance to achieve. Or it’s the kind of problem that threatens our basic sense of security. It could be an external problem resulting in necessary repair work or it could be an internal struggle with personal demons that undermines emotional stability.

It may feel like it is far too harsh and negative a sky to live under during July but the Capricorn influence is not innately negative. It does not dwell on failures and inadequacies. It does not condemn or point a disapproving finger. It exposes problems solely for the purpose of strengthening the weak stuff. It encourages the building of a supportive frame from good moral fibre that is dependable, trustworthy and responsible. Its aim is to instil a feeling of security, to make us strong from the inside out.

The good news is that there is an abundance of reassuring influences in the side-lines – an increase in vitality, a surge of courage, the desire to take action, resourcefulness, ambition and strength of character. It is up to us to put these qualities to good use.

It is not complicated, in fact, once we have admitted to a failing, everything is made easy. We are then in a position to fix the problem and get on with the job of building a more stable structure with which to proceed. What follows is good old fashioned hard work. It is a simple formula, really. Put in the ten thousand hours and skill & success is sure to follow. I guess the hindrance lies in the hesitancy to make a commitment. Once the commitment is made and backed up with focus, discipline and perseverance, the sweet taste of achievement is delicious.

The Lesson
However, there is one small hurdle. Added to the above-mentioned challenges is an important lesson. The lesson is activated by the Moon’s unnervingly close proximity to Pluto on the zodiacal band. It is likely that an incident, something that seems beyond our control, causes an emotional explosion or implosion.  

It is intense. It exposes vulnerability. It reveals true feelings.  It takes away perspective. It blasts disempowering modes of behaviour into view. It uncovers emotional manipulation (conscious or unconscious). It hurts.

The lesson has two parts:

·       release - let go

·       reshape - rebuild

The Moon/Pluto conjunction requires us to let go of the incident. It happened. It is done. No action can undo what has been done so we need to let it go. Not the whole matter, just the incident. We must let go of destructive feelings connected to the incident. We must let go of the unruly thoughts connected to the incident. We must let go of the need to change the incident.

Only when we release our emotional attachment to the painful incident are we open to learning something from it. This is when we experience the second part of the lesson - identify a repetitive pattern and admit its control over us. Then we sit down with pen and paper, scratch the head a little and re-design a new shape to replace the one that got damaged in the emotional explosion. We cannot change the incident but we can change the effect it has on us and we can change the shape of the structure that got damaged.

It is probably the structure of a project (business or personal) or the structure of a relationship (business or personal) that needs to be reshaped and rebuilt but my sense is that this Moon/Pluto conjunction could powerfully transform other areas of our lives too, not just the bits put under the microscope by the Capricorn Full Moon.

With love for a chance to shift an old shape,

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Evening Sky Inspiration
Venus & Jupiter

Venus and Jupiter have drawn the eyes skyward with gasps of amazement all the way through June and will continue to do so during July. They appeared to almost touch on Tuesday 30th June and Wednesday 1st July 2015. On 18th July the sliver of the moon will join them again and they all will be in close proximity to Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation of Leo (heart of the lion). A spectacular sight to be sure. Then on the 26th October 2015, Venus and Jupiter sidle up close one last time before getting together again in 2016.

Though the full moon is on the 2nd July I have chosen to write about the two lovelies and will do the full moon blog early next week.

The astrological symbolism of the Venus/Jupiter conjunction is as beautiful and inspiring as their presence in the evening sky. Naturally they have a shadow, but they are the two planets that represent good fortune and all that is exquisite in life. I shall first describe the symbolism of their conjoined position in Leo and will then lay out their individual influence in point form.

The 21st degree in Leo stimulates a surge of abundant energy for the expression of benevolence, kindness, generosity, love and understanding. It prompts a desire to overcome personal weakness. It stirs competitiveness to be the best we possibly can, or at the very least to have a good shot at it.

Desire to initiate something of real meaning, something held close to the heart, is overwhelming. But this is not where it ends because this degree in Leo upholds the determination to finish whatever is initiated.  

Talent is brought into sharp focus and with crystal clear understanding we know exactly how to use this talent.

Venus is the goddess of love, she symbolises the way we are in relationship, she inspires talent, draws income and represents the power to attract. She holds the key to the condition of our self-value or the lack thereof. She is loveliness personified. She is a symbol of good fortune.

Jupiter symbolises truth, knowledge and wisdom. It represents our ability to learn and to understand. It is the planet of growth and expansion, of generosity and material abundance – well abundance of everything really. It too is the symbol of good fortune.

Attributes, both positive and negative, of the Venus / Jupiter conjunction:


·       Attracts opportunities to learn

·       Attracts opportunities to grow

·       Attracts opportunities to expand

·       Attracts opportunities for better understanding

·       Attracts wisdom

·       Attracts good fortune

·       Attracts the truth

·       Attracts material comfort

·       Attracts income

·       Attracts appreciation, love and respect

·       Attracts new ways of being in relationship

·       Attracts kindness

·       Attracts opportunities to express talent

·       Attracts opportunities to express generosity

·       Attracts generosity from others


·       Laziness

·       Self-indulgence

·       Negligent use of knowledge

·       Lack of appreciation of earth’s resources

·       Rejection of truth

·       Neglecting to express, honour and use talent

·       Wasting opportunities to learn

·       Disrespect

·       Lack of appreciation of the gift of relationship

·       Lack of generosity

·       Relationship difficulties

·       Over-spending

·       Extravagance in a wasteful way


·       Reveals how much we are loved

·       Reveals special qualities

·       Reveals the value of relationship / partnership

·       Reveals how to grow within relationship

·       Reveals how to expand the relationship itself onto a new plane

·       Reveals which relationships are valid and which are not

·       Reveals what is important in relationships and what is not

·       Reveals true worth

·       Reveals how to expand income

·       Reveals real understanding of personal talent

·       Reveals spiritual truth

·       Reveals understanding of self

·       Reveals understanding of others

·       Magnifies income opportunities

·       Magnifies LOVE

·       Magnifies BEAUTY

·       Magnifies all that is special in Life


·       Overextending personal resources

·       Overreaching so as to be loved, appreciated, accepted

·       Magnifies damaged self-worth

·       Magnifies relationship problems

·       Exaggerates misuse of finances

·       Overindulgence that leads to waste

·       Exposes lack of integrity

·       Self-righteousness

It’s time to indulge in the good stuff on the other side of the Wall, and the overwhelmingly amount of LOVE found there.

With love for the whole Universe

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

A Thought on the Solstice
June 21st 2015, the shortest day in the south and longest in the north, marked the first day of winter and of summer. Mars kicked the moment off with a blast and the newish Moon joined Venus and Jupiter in a breathtakingly beautiful celestial display. A few thoughts on this moment:

The solstice is a point of change, a shift of seasons. The Sun occupies one of the four essential cornerstones of our existence. Subtle awareness filters into our minds reminding us to build on something, to strengthen something – perhaps it is of an emotional kind (inner security), perhaps it is to do with a family matter, perhaps it is business related. Strength of character, particularly of an inner kind is built on.

Problems from the past are dealt with more effectively. Ever so gently an old pattern born from the maternal line creeps into a current situation – it could be one of those typical problems that arises from a childhood experience where the absence of love or not enough attention from the mother caused insecurity and feelings of inadequacy. This solstice point of change is when strength is found to overcome these inadequacies, to develop the security to build our own life structures rather than constantly hoping, even expecting them to come from someone else.

Sun / Mars Conjunction
Mars escorts the Sun through the change of season and onto the cornerstone, adding an essence of boldness and urgency to the influence mentioned above. It spurs us on and should it encounter resistance, obliges with exactly the right amount of irritation, even anger, needed to break through the resistance and into action.

 We simply cannot ignore the surge of passion. There is desire to act on an idea and to stop thinking and thinking about it. There is courage to proceed with a plan and to stop talking and talking about it. There is ego strength to act on an intention and to stop intending   to do, rather to get on with the doing.

Venus, Jupiter and the Moon
One only had to gaze up at these three in the evening sky to understand their influence. At the very moment when their sheer beauty caused a gasp of amazement, we felt the love in Life, we knew exquisite loveliness, and understood the meaning of harmony. With ingenuity we discover a way out of the past and over the Wall.

I received insights from two people on how to tackle the Wall - see below. Hugest thanks for taking the time to share these insights. They are most valuable and very much appreciated.

With love for the beautiful sky

You want to break through to the other side?

1. Dream and Imagine

2. Get information

3. Believe and Choose

4. Make a plan

5. Persevere

6. Easy all the way

7. Consciously smile more every day

8. Embrace acceptance and gratitude as your core foundation


Ohhh dearest Sharron, so many thoughts and experiences about the wall and how to move beyond it…

So many incredible metaphors for life and its processes in sailing…

I am figuring out how to record and do it all justice…
And in doing so, of course I hit my wall…
Just “doing” it now then…
No over analysing
No procrastination
Just finally writing…..
And to you first….

Of course to you, one angel on our path acknowledged in huge amounts of gratitude!

The experience is so big, so over whelming just don’t know where to start – there you go,  a few aspects of the wall, as you’ve named it for all of us, identified….

Not knowing where to start keeps us staying in same old patterns
Shackles really
Hence the great urge of course to just go and cross that ocean…..

One of the first lessons I learnt from sailing is that one preferably choses a destination with the wind behind you…
That’s why we went to the Caribbean.
The trade winds behind us.
Surfing the waves all the way across the beautiful big wide ocean, alive with possibilities.

Either way, I learnt relatively quickly that: North, South, East, West and everywhere in between really are all new and exciting options!

Really having that positive and open minded attitude, every direction the wind is blowing you to, has gifts in abundance to offer.
But only if one can be decisive in this philosophy and not feel, at all, one is missing out elsewhere!
I learnt that when we didn’t leave St Helena when there was a nice wind and Captain Dave said ‘let’s go’.
I still felt a great desire to explore more, since we will probably never go back to St Helena…

Not bad reasoning, but…
The next day, when we did leave, there was no more wind…
We had to switch the motors on.
Motors move you forward, but in a pushy kind of way.
They are noisy and diesel costs money.

I realised then that this adventure was about the journey of going with the winds.
The winds that move you forward.
This journey was not about exploring any one place in depth.
That is land life.

Beautiful in itself with many lessons to be learnt and implemented.

Out of the 21 islands visited in 4 1/2 months I really had no favourite.
It is the journey as a whole, especially with myself and together with David that has had most significance.
When we left Trinidad I still needed to learn more about the lessons the wind had to offer me.
I had read and heard so much about Tobago…I really wanted to go to  Tobago… But Tobago is North East of Trinidad and the winds always blow North East in the Caribbean…

This time David put his foot down.
We were going to North, to Grenada and that was a tough enough passage as it was.
Tougher than any weather we encountered on the crossing….
Got smacked around
That is when I got the message.
Follow the wind energy whenever you can!
Why do the same type of lessons on land recycle and take so much longer to receive???
I think that with sailing you simplify life enough to fully engage and experience and learn…. So much

Anyway, I am digressing in the detail.
My main point here is that when you don’t do your homework and get your information (weather forecast, currents, in this case) and go into the wind, you have a horrible ride, you get knocked all over the place, everything is falling, sea sickness frustration, fear…

Wind behind you however, with goose winged sails…


The ride is magic!

One literally flies, surfs the waves of life and the universe really keeps providing support for all your needs…

The second lesson was equally profound in its logic and simplicity.

Once you on that course, with the wind behind you, I realised we mostly really only made small adjustments to the sails, to keep catching that optimum wind energy moving us for ever forward.

Breaking through the wall and the transformation we all seek in our day to day lives, I’ve realised is far more to be found in the metaphorical small adjustments of the sails.

Then the ride is gentle, efficient and exhilarating at the same time.
Only when necessary, when the wind dies, or changes direction, we make the metaphorical bigger adjustment ‘tack or jibe' in our lives again.

The real real real sweetness for me however is mostly to be found in making those small, simple, long expressed, deep within, changes in our daily land lives journey in order to break through that wall and get to ‘peace’. 

Having said that crossing an ocean and cruising the Caribbean was hardly a small adjustment in our lives.

It was huuuuuuge

On a gut level I knew it would bring transformation: empowerment, wisdom, and adaptability to change, acceptance, patience, gratitude, ability to be in the moment, ability to deal with pain of letting go and grow, ability to express in words, letting go of attachments and then peace.

To get to change we need the big and we need the small adjustments.

We need to be decisive yet remain open minded

Continuous balancing, as one does on a boat, the extremes life offers to get to that place of balance and inner peace where there are no walls and where all is possible

I get asked if I feel I’ve changed.
My first thought then goes to a greater sense of general peacefulness in my being with the process of life
It takes 7 weeks to cross the Atlantic
Flying/rushing there in 40 hours you miss a whole lot of detail
Taking the time…..

Acceptance of what is….

The owl or the ocean or the hike continuing to provide space and perspective in providing the bigger picture with the next small adjustment required.

I could carry on and on…
Which I will
Another time…

As the wind is blowing me into my day now

All my love to you

Maybe there never was a wall and maybe the wall was just another illusion.  Maybe we just need to break through the illusions to be in the truth. The owl already lives in the truth that is why it can take us there and remember it can turn its head right the way around and can see past and future in one swivel and it can see in the dark when sometimes we get lost in the dark.

Thanks so much for these moon and stars stories – I love them.

Let us stay in Love with trust and hoot and toot the truth

Love Pammy


A Thought on Mercury Retrograde 

Mercury has been retrograde during most of the current moon cycle. It pulled the handbrake on plans made in haste, the ones made without thorough preparation. It may feel like the enthusiastic push to get over The Wall, is being throttled.

Viewing the landscape of possibility from the wings of the wise old owl requires patience and careful assessment of all available options before making a decision or hurtling impatiently into action.

This is the gift of Mercury Retrograde – to pause, to think, to check and re-check and to properly prepare.

It goes direct on Thursday 9th June at 22h29 (GMT) but its reflective influence will be felt for about a week after this date.

With respect for reflection


Over the Wall and Beyond   

In my previous blog I asked for help to get to the other side of the Wall (of blocked creativity, bottled feelings, repressed needs, swallowed anger and a host of dysfunctional behavioural patterns) to reach the Something Marvellous. Thank you Lisa and Pam for your insights. They are hugely helpful.
The June full moon on the 2nd at 16:20 (GMT), offers a way over the Wall. Out of the darkness appears a wise old owl, the silvery light of the moon reflected in its beautiful blinking eyes. Imagine if you will, climbing onto its wings and soaring up and over the Wall. Perhaps it is not the owl that lifts us up, perhaps it is an understanding or belief  in ourselves or trust that automatically floats us over the Wall or out of a difficult situation.
The June full moon’s influence is expansive. It is fiery and positively inspiring. It amplifies opportunities to adventure beyond the personal comfort zone, to explore, to search for things that enable us to become more of who we are or to enlarge a part of ourselves or our lives.
This influence is most useful for more clearly understanding a current life situation. Perhaps we find ourselves in a problematic situation or we are unsure of where to go next. Perhaps we don’t know how to proceed in a specific set of circumstances, perhaps we are uncertain of which part of our lives to expand. What to let go? Which way to go? What to expand?
This is when we call on the wise old owl and just before falling asleep at night, we imagine ourselves soaring on its wings, up, up and above the pesky problem. From this elevated place we see the whole situation, we see what surrounds it, and we see a wealth of solutions, answers in abundance and various options we were unable to consider whilst subjectively entangled in the problem. From the sky, the best way forward is obvious.
For those who are more practical, night flights on an owl may not be an option so a little trip up a mountain, or a hill could work. Looking out over vast space will help with cultivating fresh perspective. In fact, simply creating a bit of distance between ourselves and a problem is advised, because reviewing the difficulty from afar enables us to see previously hidden components. Or it may just be that we need to consider our lives from a different angle.
There is another theme that caught my eye in the myriad of planetary influences. We see the fear, irresponsible actions, excessive behaviour or the problems of a loved other. It is with crystal clarity that we know how to resolve the problem or find a more responsible way to tackle a tricky situation or maybe a better way to behave if we were in their shoes. Advice is given with the best possible intentions and it is with a warm heart and enormous generosity that we help the loved other. 
Then during the journey through the moon phases, understanding slowly seeps into our minds. We learn that the fear, irresponsible action, excessive behaviour or the problem of the loved other, is in fact, our very own. The gift of course, is that we have already figured out the solution and can apply the great advice we so generously offered, to our own situation.
It is so much easier to see the problems of another than our own, so if we don’t soar with the wise old owl or climb a mountain, we simply have to look at the reflected image of our personal failings in a loved other. If brave enough to admit the personal failing, we have the benefit of our very own generous advice.

 This full moon offers a clearer vision of what lies beyond. It shows what in essence, is at the heart of a challenge. It stirs belief in personal talent. It inspires trust in what is true and good in this beautiful old life. 
With love for the wise old owl,

Insight into the Mystery of the Wall

Thank you Lisa for responding with this exquisite insight: 

About the wall, I can’t help thinking about the story of the dyke and the little Dutch boy who put his finger in the hole to keep a leak at bay. There is nothing like water to find a way through something and once that hole has been made not even a very determined Dutch boy can keep it from pouring through. With intention we can chip a small hole through the wall and then in a place of safety allow all that emotion to start to seep, to drip, to pour and eventually to crash through to the other side. The secret is to find that safe space, someone one loves or a group of friends who can listen to one, an art group, a pottery lesson, where trust is cultivated and buckets are ready for when that water stuff pushes through
Lisa Liebermann.

It seems there is just another brick (or few) in the wall to knock through to the other side and anyhow – somewhere over the rainbow we are all off the wall – dancing, singing and playing in the light of the silvery moon.

The Persuasive May Moon

 The full moon climbs the night sky with purpose on Monday 4th May at 03h43(GMT), well in truth, the moon cannot climb with purpose but it sure can in my imagination. I see a brave moon trekking through the intensely powerful realm of Scorpio.

This moon persuasively encourages us to look at a wall - one we have (possibly for years) deliberately avoided. On the other side of the wall is something so deliciously appealing, we simply cannot resist its urgent pull. But the imposing wall stands between us and something marvellous.

The Wall was built slowly over time from bottled emotions, repressed needs and unexpressed anger. It blocks creative expression. It diminishes personal confidence. It sabotages opportunities. It imprisons us in a disempowered state of being. It keeps us trapped in destructive patterns of behaviour, predominantly the self-destructive kind. It locks us in self-sabotage.

And now the May full moon urges us to confront the Wall. The Something Marvellous on the other side appeals to our courageous nature, it begs the personal will to take action, to do something, anything to break through the Wall.

But these patterns are all rooted in pain and so we argue that we need the Wall. It protects us from pain, does it not? Surely we need to be safe from the evil manipulations of others? Better the devil you know, no?

The moonlight falls squarely on a problem that is alive and well in humans – the tricky business of self-denial. The moonlight specifically exposes the way in which we-ever-so-cleverly deceive ourselves, of course this deceit is justified because it takes the edge off a harsh reality or protects us from intense pain. Denial definitely has its place as a survival tool but when it settles in as a way of life we get trapped in self-deceit and a blissful bubble of ignorance.

We trick ourselves into not taking responsibility for the tough stuff. However, it is not possible to live life effectively through avoidance and soon all sorts of problems arise. We become stuck, operating from a disempowered place. Helpless and unaware we inevitably resort to destructive behaviour to break free of the problems caused by denial. Anger explodes in a desperate need to regain personal power.

The influence of the Scorpio full moon reveals the destructive force needed to break through the Wall. The challenge is not to blast it sky high with a stick of dynamite because it would probably also destroy the Something Marvellous, rather to constructively break down the patterns that make up the Wall, transforming them into a new shape. The exact way to do this eludes me as I am a bit of a ‘blow-it-sky-high’ sort of girl. Because this blog is not interactive and as I would love insights into the constructive use of a destructive force, please email them to and I’ll post them.

Now for the Something Marvellous. Naturally it will differ for each individual but what lies on the other side of the Wall is a flash of creative genius. This genius could be expressed artistically through music, writing, work with clay or painting but its purpose is to create a ‘way of being’ that is stronger, more stable, and more secure. This is a gorgeous opportunity to build strength to promote emotional and material comfort.

If brave enough to use the powerful force of Scorpio to get through the Wall, knowledge of the most alluring kind is available, not in the normal way we have been taught but through peculiar circumstances, situations that need courage.

A mixture of reflection and action is needed. Action to break through the Wall. Reflection to fully understand the nature of an aspiration, the essence of the creative genius. Action to use the creative genius to build the foundation to house the stronger ‘way of being’.

Harnessing the powerful transformative force of Scorpio in a world of corruption and self-denial is tricky territory to navigate but on offer from the May full moon.

With love for the Wall & the Something Marvellous,