Friday, 1 November 2013

Yods & Eclipses

Oh my hat! I stared in disbelief at the chart of the November total eclipse of the sun. Had I typed 2012 by mistake? I’m afraid not. The planets conspire to replicate the Yod & Scorpio solar eclipse drama of November 2012. Some of the planets are different as are some of the issues but the similarities cannot be ignored or avoided.
     It all happens on 3rd November 2013 at 12h51 (GMT/UT) but in truth, its powerful influence has been felt for the last few weeks. As the new moon moves in front of the sun, blocking out the light, its shadow races across the central regions of Africa. Most of Africa will see the moon slide over the disc of the sun but only those in the middle regions will experience totality, the rest of Africa will see the moon covering only part of the sun. This is not an ordinary solar eclipse but a rare type called a hybrid eclipse. Please Google information on the properties of a hybrid eclipse because in this article I shall only explore its symbolism.

The Scorpio Eclipse
This intense, profound, deep-probing, powerful union in Scorpio has one job really – death & rebirth, endings& new beginnings. First it will destroy, break, or crush undermining or unsupportive life structures (family, relationships, work, and ambitions). It is in the floundering chaos that it works its alchemical magic and we change.  Then we heal. Following the healing stage it regenerates, rebuilds or rebirths stronger structures. Clearly not a mild moment!

The Light

«  Change a situation in which we have been stuck in for far too long

«  Regenerative healing force

«  Strong survival instincts

«  Pain is released

«  Exquisite cleansing

«  Elimination of toxins (of all kinds)

«  Persistence – the ability to show up in the dire circumstances

«  Tenacity

«  Determination to finish what was started

«  Seek deeper meaning

«  Sensitive and soft-hearted

«  Unite, merge

«  Commitment

«  Strong family links – especially siblings

«  Tap into life’s creative well

«  Strong sexual expression

«  Desire to unravel life’s mysteries

«  Gain better control of finances and debt

«  Constructive use of personal power

The Dark

·         Bottled emotions pop (not in a ‘stars in the mouth champagne kind of way’)

·         Ruthless destruction

·         Annihilation

·         Conflict

·         Suspicious of motivations of others

·         Incomprehensible, unfathomable behaviour

·         Bitter resentment

·         Hateful envy

·         Brewing anger

·         Emotional turmoil

·         Inappropriate use of sexual power

·         Manipulation

·         Unlawful procedures

·         Dodgy deals

·         Instability and the need for danger

·         Obsession

·         Disaster

The Yod
We became familiar with the workings of the famous Double Yod Key of September 2012 through to May 2013. A Yod, (for those who did not follow its story in previous blogs) is otherwise known as the Finger of Fate or the Finger of God (ancient Kabala teachings) as it points to a special destiny. It suggests, with quite some force, that we redirect our lives or at least a part thereof. It operates through the experience of loss or separation and the belief that the ensuing anguish will force the necessary shifts.
     This particular little darling releases tension, thereby providing a conduit for eliminating toxic thoughts, actions and emotions. It shakes us loose from repeated mistakes. It will heartlessly bump us off a path that is leading nowhere, or worse, moving headlong into failure.
    During the Double Yod Key phase we had the opportunity to set a new vision in place. We got to redirect a course of action (in relationships or projects). We asked many important questions of ourselves:

v  Who do I really want to be in the world?

v  Where do I most want be?

v  Where do I want to go next?

v  What do I want to do with my life during the rest of the time on earth?

And out of the anguish and the questions grew a new vision. We were encouraged to draw up plans for a new life path. We were required to make a commitment to the new plan.  
     Under the force of the November 2013 Yod we revisit the vision, the plan and the commitment. Perhaps we have wandered off course and it will, once again through loss, separation and anguish, remind us of our previous intentions. Perhaps there is another layer of an old problem that needs to be tackled before proceeding with confidence towards our goals. Perhaps the goals need to be reshaped.
     Whatever the reason, this Yod with the help of the Scorpio solar eclipse is going to spilt things apart and provide opportunities to eliminate disempowering toxic waste. Extreme measures are taken to break free from throttling mindsets. It offers the best possible chance to boldly pioneer a new way forward. Sure the unknown is terrifying but the days will fill up with a fair share of excitement too. ‘LET GO’ becomes the mantra of the month.

The Purpose

«  Find solid ground upon which to build stable foundations

«  Steady the emotional upheaval

«  Regroup and rebuild

«  Consolidate

«  Develop powers of perception / observation

«  Find balance

«  Take control of personal finances /income

«  Gain control over debt

«  Gain control over parts of life that seem out of control

«  Gain control over parts of life that control us

«  Reconnect with the earth / nature / natural world

There are three strong indicators for special healing. It could simply be the healing of broken bits caused by the destruction of the Scorpio eclipse but I suspect the scabs of previous wounds will be ripped off to release a build up of hidden pus.  The most exquisite healing occurs – of recent hurt but also of deep-seated ancient wounding.
     This is tough territory to navigate, I know, but with every step we draw closer to exciting possibilities and we move towards new goals and a different way of life.

With nervous anticipation for new possibilities,

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