Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
March 2016 

Eclipse month is never an easy one, often leaving us feeling jittery or out of sorts while subconscious thoughts and odd feelings percolate into consciousness.

The lunar eclipse on the 23rd March 2016 at 12h02 (GMT) is a penumbral and not a total eclipse. Only the outer shadow of the earth falls upon the moon and is barely visible.

There is not too much digging about in the dark shadowy regions of ourselves with this particular eclipse. However, we may be expected to confront reasons why we made choices to impress or please another (at personal expense) or why we gave up a position, yielded and gave in to the persuasions of another. We may reflect on how exactly we were too influenced by relationships and or surroundings. Restlessness is a sure indicator that we have been pulled off track by such influences. We could observe that we have been over-adaptable or changed something that should not have been changed. We observe over-eagerness that led to compromise, the bad kind.

We see how inner conflict transfers into an external circumstance as a problem demanding to be resolved. We observe how inner turmoil plays out in relationships because of compromises made in the past and exactly how much imbalance resulted. It is good to see though, that current planetary configurations inspire courage and confidence to overcome obstacles and rectify imbalance. We carefully and ever so slowly reposition ourselves in a personal situation or in a relationship. We move out of the line of fire and away from a polarized position.

Thoughts on the Sun’s Influence
The golden rays of sunlight shine on ways to improve a personal position, to build self-esteem and greater confidence. There is a strong need to prove ourselves through action. After a period of feeling uncertain or afraid (typical influence of the solar eclipse of two weeks ago), we feel bold and daring and take definite steps out of the muddle and confusion of the recent past. Self-assurance replaces reticence. Curiosity drives us towards the things we most desire. Ambition stirs.

Thoughts on the Moon’s Influence
Take a moment to gaze up at the enchanting full moon. You may well hear a whisper upon those silvery moonbeams encouraging a wish to take action, to move something along, to get something done. It pushes us out of inertia or a quagmire of procrastination. We break out of a reverie, we move out of paralysis or perhaps simply find direction after a period of drifting.

We make peace with what has gone wrong, simply through acceptance. We shall have to adjust to a different set of circumstance and fairly quickly as there is not much time for contemplating options.

The strongest message from this full moon is to keep trying, no matter what, to just keep trying. If we fail, we are not to give up but to try harder, again and yet again. We are to persevere, to push through doubt and fear. This kind of effort is sure to be rewarded not only with the achievement of goals but also with a feeling of peace and serenity and happiness. Well worth it.

With love for eclipses,

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Total Eclipse of the Sun
By the March Super New Moon

 Blog-break is over. And there is nothing better than an eclipse to get me out of hiding. The total eclipse of the Sun in Pisces on the 9th March at 01h54 (GMT) draws attention to particular feelings; an indefinable yearning for meaning, an ache for more than what we do every day, a longing to be greater than what is etched out by our personalities.

You know that feeling when you are perfectly in sync with everything and everyone in your world, when opportunities appear out of nowhere, when there are no glitches and everything runs smoothly? Well this eclipse marks a route to exactly that, to harmony and a creative way of living. It maps out a road of adventure and discovery. Understanding how to grow into more than we have ever been is possible during this grand celestial event. We look beyond the limitations previously set by our fears and insecurities.

This generous and big-hearted eclipse endorses heightened happiness and confidence and that kind of sheer delight we feel when we are on track or perfectly poised for the best possible outcome imaginable.

But first it has the tedious job of exposing the problems, patterns, habits and ways of behaving that sabotage the above-mentioned bliss. The very nature of an eclipse is to reveal the stuff in the shadows for the sole purpose of regaining balance and getting back on track. It is probably easier to view the various problems and behavioural patterns in a list format:  

·       addiction problems

·       self-delusion

·       deceit

·       extreme self-indulgence

·       self-undoing (own worst enemy)

·       absorption of negativity in environment

·       stuck in disappointment

·       self-sacrifice

·       falling into victim mode

·       allowing others to take advantage of personal talent

·       avoidance of harsh reality

·       denial

·       imbalance within relationships

·       choices made out of a need to please

·       choices made out of a need for acceptance

·       choices made out of a fear of rejection

·       choices made so as to be loved 

Feelings and actions of which we are ashamed, ones we have buried deep, will threaten to break surface. The bitter taste of disappointment for not meeting expectations, is vile. Should we attempt to further repress emotions and needs or continue to hide our shame, they could very well break out in illness or injury in the physical body.

The home is a sanctuary for the duration of time needed to cleanse and dissolve sabotaging behaviour. In this inner sanctity insights flourish and it is safe for the imagination to probe for solutions to the problems tossed in our way by the eclipse.

Once the problems on the bulleted list have been addressed, newfound strength emerges (obviously they won’t all apply but there is sure to be at least one that is personally relevant). Clear vision of exceptional personal talent is possible. Opportunities to master techniques necessary to make the most of these talents, abound. Some meaning is found and it is with trust and a smattering of serenity that we accept the vast mysterious unknown.

With love for eclipses,