Inspired by an Eclipse of a Super
& Mercury Retrograde
1. Harvest Moon
2. Super Moon
3. Total Eclipse of the Moon
This is the full moon that falls
closest to the equinox on the 23rd September.
‘At this time of year, corn, pumpkins, squash, beans, and wild
rice—the chief Native American staples—are ready for gathering; and at the peak
of the harvest, farmers could work into the night by the light of this full
Most of the year, the moon rises an average of 50 minutes later each night, but for the few nights around the harvest moon, the moon seems to rise at nearly the same time each night: just 25 to 30 minutes later across the United States, and only 10 to 20 minutes later for much of Canada and Europe.’ Geoff Gaherty (
Most of the year, the moon rises an average of 50 minutes later each night, but for the few nights around the harvest moon, the moon seems to rise at nearly the same time each night: just 25 to 30 minutes later across the United States, and only 10 to 20 minutes later for much of Canada and Europe.’ Geoff Gaherty (
On average the moon takes 29.5 days to orbit the earth. Because of it slightly irregular orbit there is one day when it passes close to the earth (perigee) and one day when it reaches its furthest point from the earth (apogee). On occasion the moon is full at the same time it is closest to the earth. In recent years this perigee full moon adopted the name ‘super moon’. See diagram (not to scale)
Total Lunar Eclipse:
A perfect alignment of the moon,
earth and sun, where the shadow of the earth totally covers the moon. There are
usually two lunar eclipses in a year. Not all are total as some are partial or
penumbral eclipses. The September 2015 lunar eclipse is special because it is
the last of four total eclipses in a row, known as a tetrad. An interesting fact
is that during the 1900’s there was not a single tetrad, yet during the 21st
century, according to NASA, there will be eight. The dates of the four total
eclipses of the tetrad and their zodiacal sign positions are:
April 15th 2014 Libra Aries
October 8th 2014 Aries Libra
April 4th 2015 Libra Aries
Sept 28th 2015 Aries Libra
Confronting shadow qualities
Addressing that which is out of alignment
The four eclipses of the tetrad focus
on imbalance & the state
of relationships, specifically emphasising a personal position within all
Naturally as with all eclipses, there
will be periods of discomfort. Its dark side could cause us to impose our will
on another without consideration for their needs or desires. This type of
destructive behaviour is not dissimilar to that of a terrorist with absolutely no
thought or concern for others. Other dark elements could emerge in the form of
an unpredictable force over which we have little or no control. We are to be
super aware of our actions and how they affect others and the world around us.
We address how we only validate
ourselves with the approval of another.
We observe how impulsive action or
hasty decisions led to imbalance and caused misalignment with personal needs.
We address unhealthy relationship
We observe self-indulgence at the
expense of another.
We notice obsessive self-involvement –
our own or that of another.
We observe how and when we
overextended ourselves (in the name of love) to personal detriment.
We see how sparks of anger gave us
courage to assert a personal need.
We see how sparks of anger were
destructive and harmful.
Following the inward journey is a
phase of constructive action. We overcome an emotional muddle and we start
again. We pioneer a new way out of the confusion of the recent past. There is a
surge of energy to stabilise wobbly life situations. We make adjustments to the
positions we hold within all significant relationships. We put ideas into
There is a fine line to walk in the land
of relationship, one that is situated somewhere between dictating selfish demands and yielding
in total self-sacrifice. It is a balancing act in want of the talent of a
tight-rope-walker. Perhaps this talent is to be found in the shadowy light of
the September full moon? Perhaps it is in the brighter light of the super close
super moon that we shall discover a
way to resolve conflict, one that ditches the need for brutality and war in the
It is in the light of the moon that
we dream, that we believe in magic and come to know anything is possible.
With love for the stuff we find in
the dark,