Monday, 2 February 2015

A Moon Full of Passion
3rd February 2015
23h10 (GMT)
To listen to the blog, press the play button above.

There is so much to say about the Saturn/Neptune Square and I intend probing its many layers in future blogs. This one is dedicated to the Full Moon on 3rd February 2015 at 23H10 (GMT), a moon that brims over with passion, love and the aspiration to be exceptional.
The brilliant light of the sun bounces off the moon and carries the desire to be successful to the earth. It encourages belief in a project, a dream, a life path that has been tenderly held close to the heart. Suddenly and quite unexpectedly it is possible to fly free of pain, the kind that repeatedly slashes through the heart. Letting go of inappropriate responsibilities and also debilitating guilt, becomes obvious. The silvery light inspires the ability to concentrate, to focus with precision on what is important and to allow all that is inconsequential to fade into the shadows.

As with all full moons there is a challenge; in the case of the February Full Moon in Leo, it is the challenge to strengthen belief in a personal choice, to reinforce belief in a personal life direction, to stand alone if necessary, even against the push of popular opinion. Trust in this choice will be hammered by the strong views of others, so standing steadfast could be tough.

It is necessary to adopt a position – within relationships, the family, the work environment and the community. This position is chosen with care, whether it be on a life path or within a relationship. A balanced stance is taken with both feet placed firmly on stable ground. Then it is crucial to build a solid boundary around the personal position. A boundary that supports and protects.

It is from this safe place that rising anticipation is sensed. Quirky thoughts motivate a different approach to the way forward. The mind searches for novel ways to solve problems. We experiment, we play and suddenly anything is possible. It is passion that drives us to invest time, energy and money in something that matters and it is love that makes it possible.

Under the light of the full moon we yearn for something that is more than who we are or how we live. This something lies trapped beneath the stuff that needs to go. There is an answer that needs to be found, an answer to a question, a question that has not ever been asked of ourselves. The question is likely to burst, from out of the blue, into the mind. Only then the search for the answer begins.

The answer could lie in independence or a new base to live life from. The search could lead to the making of friends that last a lifetime. The answer could be found in discipline, patience and perseverance which leads to freedom. We could discover exactly how to stand firm on a path amidst uncertainty and ever-changing realities.

Naturally, as with all full moons there is a shadow realm to navigate. In this particular realm we feel the unbearable pain of loss or are forced to make a sacrifice or give something up. We have to let go of an aspect of life that we have control over and the thing is, the mere thought of letting go of this control is terrifying. Yet letting go is the only way out of the shadowland.

Other dangers threaten the pursuit of a goal or the belief in a chosen path:

·       Self-sabotage

·       Fear of failing

·       Giving up

·       Laziness

·       Lack of discipline

·       Lack of commitment

·       Lack of follow-through


The thirteenth fairy (the one that was not invited to the full moon party) will probably arrive and her pain of rejection will make her behave in an awfully wicked way. She will do her best to trash a boundary or persuasively undermine belief in a dream. She could instil doubt where there was once confidence. She could turn inspiration into cowardice. She could cast an evil spell and take away all the fun, destroy all laughter and worst of all, our desire to love. But this will only happen if we give in to her persuasions.

And yet it is in the pain of her rejection that we see her vulnerability and then we understand. It is the pain of loss that provokes the creating of something new. It is in the fear of an ending that we find a new beginning.

During this cycle it would be wise to lift one’s eyes and look over the shadowland and past the sabotaging actions of the thirteenth fairy. This would be the time to scan the furthermost edges of the horizon and step right out of the comfort zone and into a land that is begging to be explored.

With love for the thirteenth fairy and a promise to invite her next time,